Trivia Pursuit

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ASJ 24-04

Question 1 / 10

In which episode does Heyes say to Curry "Here you are, trying to get framed for murder - or even killed - in his town. Nobody likes a nuisance."
Was it:

ASJ 24-04
Val Smith(10 / 10)119.04.2024
Louise Blizzard (10 / 10)119.04.2024
Roberta (10 / 10)120.04.2024
Donna Tyson(10 / 10)120.04.2024
Sheila(10 / 10)122.04.2024
Linda G Adkisson(9 / 10)119.04.2024
Michelle (9 / 10)119.04.2024
Jo(9 / 10)119.04.2024
Elaine W(9 / 10)126.04.2024
Linda(9 / 10)120.05.2024
Valerie(8 / 10)119.04.2024
Sally(8 / 10)120.04.2024
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